Probably the most sane tweet from him.

    by redditaddict78


    1. SpecialistPlatform60 on

      I’m sure glad the you have realized that you aren’t what we need💯 Thanks for your endorsement of Harris

    2. He sadly believes that Putin has some kind of respect for him when Putin sees Trump as his little Happy Meal.

    3. Pretty funny considering how Harris utterly dominated him in the debate. Classic rope a dope and he had zero counter.

    4. BluesSuedeClues on

      I remember the day the entire UN General Assembly openly laughed at an American President and it wasn’t Joe Biden.

    5. This is when someone should show him the Trump urinals in New Zealand and the baby Trump balloon in the UK

    6. This is a 10 year old tweet. Compare it to now. Anyone who says he’s not losing his faculties is full of crap.

    7. Wow, if this isn’t the most stark illustration of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, I don’t know what is.

      Every single national leader in the world saw Trump as a total of joke.

    8. NegativePermission40 on

      The words ‘genius, ” “strategy, ” and “winning” disqualify you right off the bat, Donald.

    9. This is the part where I point my finger straight at him and emit a gut laugh that my neighbors can hear. Oh, the lack of self-awareness.

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