How did she even become SoS??

    by Detroitish24


    1. TheManIWas5YearsAgo on

      Even if she tried to pull this off intentionally, how did no one else flag this?

      I assume that a new absentee ballot is being printed and mailed and that the deadline for receipt of them will be extended and any ballots already mailed will be set aside if a second ballot is received.

      Then she resigns or is removed from office for gross incompetence.

    2. dragonfliesloveme on

      Uhhh what??! Is there time to change this? Will those who need absentee ballots be able to vote?

      What the fuck

    3. Yousoggyyojimbo on

      This is not even remotely arguably an oversight. This is something that would have had to have been verified by multiple people and this would have been one of the most primary things that would have been checked by every one of them, so this was undeniably a conscious choice they are going to pretend was a mistake.


      This would have gone through multiple levels of approval on their end before anything went live, rechecked when live, and gone through a test run, so this is unfeasibly unintentional.

      Multiple people would have to be catastrophically incompetent. Like unable to read or tie their shoes levels of incompetent.

    4. AppropriateSpell5405 on

      When there’s zero fucking consequences, they become emboldened. Then shit like this, Georgia, Nevada, … all starts happening.

    5. WTF 🤬 is wrong with the reCULTicans? they’re literally making up their own rules as they go along. It’s time to flush them turds down the toilet.


    6. Defiant_Dare_8073 on

      Montana shitass. Garland should arrest her tomorrow for national election interference. Indict for 10 years in federal prison. How is this allowed to happen without severe consequences? I guess I’m a dumbass for not understanding.

    7. Gay_andConfused on

      This shit needs to be aggressively pursued and prosecuted! We CANNOT have any doubts whatsoever about this election!

      Every official who pulls this kind of stunt no only needs to be removed from office, but they also need to be very publicly tried, convicted, heavily fined, and jailed. This cannot be allowed to continue!

    8. It’s time for a constitutional amendment to systematize and streamline the election process. Maybe even to end the EC too but I’m getting ambitious

    9. There’s literally no reason for her to do that anyway. Not only is Montana pretty much guaranteed to go for Trump, but even if Harris somehow managed to win the state, it would be highly unlikely those 4 electoral votes would affect the outcome of the race.

      Literally risking her own reputation over election interference that is ultimately pointless.

    10. ccccombobreakerx on

      Cheating is the only way Republicans can win elections. Everything with them is done in bad faith.

    11. Hmmm. Illegal immigrants making up like .000000001% of the vote is what they’re worried about though?

    12. So many right wingers are just cowards and she is just another one. Totally afraid of the people she sworn an oath to serve, because even if less than a majority supported the Vice-President, it would reflect poorly on the Orange Menace and the children who believe in him.

      If you can’t do democracy right (well a Representative Republic, really), why do it at all? 🤷‍♂️These pro-tRUmp MAGAots, wrap themselves in a cloak of patriotism, while at the same time waste enormous amounts of energy knocking out the pillars of democracy just so they can suck-start fascism. The delusions they believe will put them in the very same concentration camps we will have been killed in.

    13. So my question is how is this not illegal, and where is the Attorney General yet again. We have the weakest Attorney General in our nation’s history

    14. I am sick to death of these monsters getting away with the crap they do. When are people going to hold them accountable?

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