This was the best ten minutes in the history of television

    by nzhmar


    1. ChannelLumpy7453 on

      The most truthful, simply because he was putting principles and morals above money and exposure.

    2. cheesecheeseonbread on

      Thank you to whoever compiled this. I would never have sat through the other shit to see it

    3. This is eternal. So many awkward faces there. Tom hanks looked the guiltiest, what’s he hiding?

    4. I mean, this guy has really big balls, he just stood up in front of Hollywood elite and roasted them straight in their faces

    5. 😆 oh God. The last bit about Harvey Weinstein and his and off. I had never seen it before but that was perfect

    6. Ricky got up there and just slung crap all in their greasy, sick faces and forced them to laugh, all the while scaring the living hell out of them with the level of truth he presented.

      He’s one of the good guys.

    7. ReflectionThink3062 on

      Tom Hanks’ reaction always gets me.. 🤣🤣
      All the senior actors are taking the jokes well..

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