
    by xoxoxivy


    1. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

      Makes a lot of mistakes,can’t read a legal document properly.Hmmm probably disqualifying forSupreme Court Justice.

    2. Just a curiosity question. Should someone who is a member of the highest court in America be able to read and understand the laws that govern his office?

    3. hotasianwfelover on

      For someone who is one of the most powerful people in the country he sure does make a lot of mistakes.

    4. franchisedfeelings on

      A “misunderstanding” from a scotus injustice like this crimey fuk? This guy and his skeevy insurrectionist wife need some serious prison time.

    5. He cant understand the basics of compliance with small regulations, but he sure can tell a woman how to comply with the law!

    6. If these lies were true, he would clearly be too stupid to be a judge. Instead, he’s too corrupt.

    7. Thomas is a resident of Virginia.  As soon as Democrats win back the governorship, they could investigate him for state tax crimes.

    8. Great! Because I have also failed to understand the tax burden of my income bracket and as such can’t take responsibility for any inaccuracies because I’m just a big dumb stupid and can’t help it. Aight, y’all cool with that?

    9. This isn’t reason for dismissal or disbarment or impeachment or whatever you do to justices to fire them?

    10. This isn’t reason for dismissal or disbarment or impeachment or whatever you do to justices to fire them?

    11. At this point we might as well stop calling g them laws and refer to them as suggestions because they sure as fuck don’t apply to rich people.

    12. I really never thought we’d see an obviously corrupt supreme court justice, and there would not be riots in the streets. But here we are

    13. For a Supreme Court justice (Ha!), he doesn’t know very much about the law when it is convenient

    14. redhairedrunner on

      The best defense for him is he is the dumbest justice on the supreme court. But realistically he is just corrupt AF.

    15. I like the part how a Supreme Court justice has a hard time filling out legal forms.

      Incompetence or corruption, pick one.

    16. Tonight: Justice Clarence Thomas rolling a fat joint before driving through McDonalds on his way to Mar-A-Lago for the weekend.

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