JD Vance lying about the price of eggs in his own photo 🤦

    by MoreMotivation


    1. And, of course, the next time he is interviewed by a bothsider in the media, they will dare not confront him on this. They will instead dwell on the “bad” economy and the current administration’s “failure” on the border wall.

    2. Surprised we don’t get more egg misinformation, given that the [most recent bird flu breakout](https://www.stlpr.org/2024-09-19/bird-flu-egg-prices-expensive) is happening under the current administration and how much inherent [price variability there is between states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/egg-prices-by-state) (easy min-maxing).

      Then again, the minds behind conservative rhetoric are wildly out of touch (cue “it’s one banana” meme).

    3. He’s not *technically* wrong that eggs are the prices they are because of the Inflation Reduction Act, but the ugly truth that Vance and others refuse to acknowledge is that eggs would be *a lot more* without it.

    4. Sufficient-Night-479 on

      hasnt it ALREADY been proven that the increase in grocery prices is due to corporate greed?

    5. and he’s lying because egg prices are high right now because of a shortage of chickens from bird flu. Some of it is also greedflation,

      only an idiot would think a President sets prices and sets them high on purpose.

    6. wishiwereagoonie on

      I mean, there are clearly eggs behind him for $4+ but they’re probably the priciest kind there. Also looks like he’s holding a large pack (24 or 30 Ct), so he’s just being disingenuous

    7. I think I hate him more than I do trump? Is thst even possible?

      It’s crazy how trump has no redeeming qualities but at least he’s entertaining in a horrible way.

      Vance is just a giant cockroach in human skin.

    8. SDSessionBrewer on

      Very brave of him be seen holding a 30 pack. Imagine how big that’d look in his running mates hands.

    9. Simple_somewhere515 on

      It’s a 36 pack lol. He can’t do anything right. He’s the personification of “how don’t you fall down more?”

    10. “If I have to make up alternative facts to create fake stories, my idiotic, country AF conservative base voters will believe anything”—Vance when the mics are off

    11. Waste_Zucchini_1811 on

      Regardless of price, ask him how those prices are determined in grocery stores. Why might they be higher? Any reason other than inflation?

    12. In case you want to be scared shitless…in case Trump wins, this idiot is next in line to be prez. And when you look at Trump’s current mental capacity it really looks like he can’t do 4 years.

    13. Well, he did say on cnn last week that if he has to make up stories to get the lame stream media to pay attention then that’s what he’ll do


    14. You can’t tell me he doesn’t work for the democrats…nobody can be this stupid. Even Drumpf looks like a nobel laureate next to him

    15. AdhesivenessUnfair13 on

      I’m starting to come around to JD being a plant. He’s so incompetantly bad at all of this, but then again, so is Trump and RFK and all the rest of these douche canoes.

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