SPOILER ALERT: didn’t make it, joined the army 🫡

    by Routine-Hotel-7391


    1. What was your rig back then? I was rocking a Washburn Lyon P-bass, a DOD Flanger and some random Chinese-made amp. Those Silverchair and Bush covers sounded *great* 😬

    2. IdownvoteVERNETROYER on

      Was that for that Nile theater in Mesa AZ?

      Lots of memories of not being able to breath in that oppressively hot basement

    3. Got news for ya pal. You’ve got flyers, and played live in front of people. You ARE. A rock star

    4. When I was 16 and in a band, it was told to me several times, I was going to be a rock star. Never really believed it, so went to college and made bank. Being a starving artist was not my aspiration. The numbers didn’t quit add up, as in there are a lot more musicians than there are rock stars.

    5. Actually you did make it. You lived that life in that time. Created memories. Played shows. I was you in my own little pocket of the world. We were part of something

    6. Sudden_Imagination61 on

      Tbf I thought you were a young Eddie Vedder in the first pic so in my mind you WERE in a famous band

    7. You’re already a rock star! Or, as my cousin told me at my high school graduation: ” You’re already famous. You’re just not well-known!”

    8. In the words of Bryan Adams

      “Me and some guys from school

      “Had a band and we tried real hard.

      “Jimmy quit, Jody got married

      “I should’ve known we’d never get far”

    9. The trying makes you alive! Something that many become too careful or afraid to do as they age! Love the reflection and the connection you made to the many by sharing that. Have a good day!

    10. Yeah we thought our shitty little band was all that back in the day as well. Ah well it was fun times regardless.

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