Not to go all vegetarian, but there’s a thin line between “pet” animals & “food” animals determined by culture and circumstance

    by BigClitMcphee


    1. Cows are better animals than horses.

      They’re cuter, smarter (before training), better tempered, and far less likely to trample you to death on accident.

      I honestly don’t know if horses taste better. I assume that they don’t, since horse meat is so uncommon. But dammit, I’m willing to try.

    2. i seem to recall one post showed a guy walking with a dead canada goose.

      I still don’t understand the problem.

    3. GrandMoffJenkins on

      That’s the thing about possum innards…they’s just as good the second day.

      /Weeeeeeell, doggies.

    4. MysteriousTrain on

      Call me a conspiracist but I definitely think the “they’re eating cats” thing was the trump campaign’s messed up attempt to combat Vance’s “childless cat lady” debacle. They had to get some of that voter bloc back. The story even came from Vance apparently

    5. I did the research and it was not difficult.
      Search the internet for Which countries eat cats and dogs. Haiti is not on any list that existed before September 2024.

    6. Wild animals aren’t pets.

      Something that isn’t domesticated, can’t be handled, and lives in a terrarium/aquarium is an “interactive decoration” at best.

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