They came down the mountainside, or so I heard

    by Wuktrio


    1. *And the other 80% of the Holy Leagues Forces that did the fighting for most of day that get forgotten every time.

    2. You can make memes about Hodów, Kłuszyn, Kircholm, Chocim, Orsha, Gniew when talking about Winged Hussars too


      Modern-day polish propaganda really managed to convince the world that Poland “saved the west” when in reality they only were a small part of the relief force and only joined the battle when the Austro-German infantry had broken the turkish ranks and defeat was imminent. Even then Sobieski didn’t want his men to “fight too much” so the polish cavalry was the first to abandon battle and to loot the Turkish camps , while the austro german cavalry (who btw also made up the biggest number of the “legendary” cavalry charge) continued the battle. Also Sobieski only agreed to help out after austry basically promised them the lions share of the loot as well as paying their army for the entire time, so no he didn’t help for some “great noble cause”

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