They’re bringing their “fight” to Reddit

    by CardLivez


    1. ![gif](giphy|qiDb8McXyj6Eg|downsized)

      Is this an invitation to downvote every single thing this idiot posts? 🤔

    2. fromouterspace1 on

      This is like the legit sub description, that sub has so much Russian shit in there. Accounts who post in there like 5 times in a day, and not answering comments etc.

    3. Jordan_Peterson_Memes is currently overrun with so many broken brain AI bot posts that it’s impossible to satirize. How would further brigading that dumpster fire “take the fight to reddit”? I think the only purpose the sub is to drive engagement anyway.

    4. They want to buy upvotes in the same way they tried to steal the election. Lies lies lies is all they know.

    5. Upvotes $10 ⬆️ Monday flash sale buy one, get two for $30.

      What? They’re conservatives. They’ll buy it.

    6. PerformanceSmooth392 on

      More proof that these lunatics do not care about what the majority thinks or wants. Just do whatever it takes for their pathetic cult leader to win.

    7. “We know literally no one likes us, our policies are distasteful, our naked lack of morals is abhorrent, and our bigotry is cartoonish in its absurdity, so please pay people to pretend to like us, because gosh dammit this is getting embarrassing.”

    8. It seems to me that buying votes is cheating. These guys can’t carry on a conversation without cheating.

    9. Cool dumbass. When you get done with that you can walk out to beach and try to piss the incoming tide back out.

    10. “There’s no way he could lose, that’s un-possible, my Trump 2024 post had 10k up votes on Jordan Peterson Memes!”

    11. Additional_Ear_9659 on

      Instead of trying to win an election they’re trying to save the orange Messiah. Not a recipe for success. But dumb MAGAs aren’t known for winning strategies.

    12. Various_Laugh2221 on

      lol so what they are thinking here is that ppl who are unsure about who to vote for will be swayed by who has the most Reddit upvotes?? Ooookaaaaaay 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️💙

    13. Buy upvotes?? Geeze

      I bet the guy behind this is just some doofus who makes the upvoting bots so he makes money when people pay for upvotes

    14. “Free market of thoughts and ideas” when they realize their thoughts and ideas aren’t popular:

    15. lol Reddit made GameStop the most profitable failing business of all time… they think they’re going to win by “buying” upvotes?

    16. Brilliant_Toe8098 on

      In other words, do exactly what the Russians are already doing for Republicans on social media.

    17. They call this site a liberal echo chamber, but they don’t realize that the entire planet is a liberal echo chamber because being a conservative is fucking stupid.

    18. This isn’t to convince liberals to vote for Trump. This is to make it LOOK like Trump is more popular to his followers to give more legitimacy of the claims he’ll make later about the election being stolen. It’s about perception management. Make it look like Trump signs, talking points, and policies are popular, when they aren’t. Then when he makes the claims his followers eat it right up because they think it’s true. It seems true, look at how popular the stuff is on the internet!

    19. If they want to spend their money paying to promote memes that their own hardcore audience doesn’t even think are funny then go for it.

    20. Jaded-Significance86 on

      Same people who complain about “rigged elections” are encouraging people to manipulate social media spaces 👏👏👏👏

    21. OnePunchReality on

      Meanwhile, you can get banned from Conservative so easily that you’d think that Democrats were the ones that coined the term “snowflake”

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