It’s the Ameriklan way

    by ExactlySorta


    1. What if they treated every minority group as badly as they treated gay people?

      Those groups would be in the streets protesting tonight. Guaranteed.

    2. “‪”If you, as a White person, would like to be treated the way Black people are in this society, stand.”‬ (Jane Elliot, author, educator)

      Not a single person in the audience stood up.

    3. TacosForMyTummy on

      I don’t get it. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage and culture, but I saw some racist ig post the other day saying we must ensure that white people still exist 200 years from now, and all I could think was, “why?”

      I’m white. I couldn’t care less what’s left of my race in 200 years. My kid is part Asian and their spouse is part Latino. My grand babies will be a mix of all of that. I see no cause for alarm here. Who gives a shit?

    4. Democracy is a war between the strongest group and everyone weaker, where the victors own the rights of all the others. It would be nice for a change if the solution we pitched for the oppression we feel wasn’t replacing the oppressors.

    5. Scared shitless of non-whites of treating them the way they treated or would like to treat non-whites.

      It’s projection again.

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