Truly next level thinking /s

    by Accurate-Entry


    1. forever_useless on

      I mean, as long as they avoid puddles, inclines, door slamming, towing, rain and strap a generator to it, etc…they should be fine

    2. not_productive1 on

      Breaking news, both cybertrucks have been abandoned after getting stuck on the ramp down from the plane that transported them there.

    3. Mcboatface3sghost on

      If you’re dumb enough to by a cyber truck you deserve everything you’re going to get, sincerely, a ford owner, slight less dumbererish than you.

    4. What’s the life expectancy of the tires in a war zone? Good thing the Russians are known for their excellence supply chain.

    5. Wow.

      The Russia’s have sunk below using golf carts to transport troops to using Leon’s kiddy trucks.

    6. WaitingForNormal on

      Wasn’t there a video of like a 4 ft white picket fence just totally annihilating a cybertruck in seconds.

    7. One could argue he’s assisting Ukraine by deliberately sabotaging Russia with those useless Cyber trucks.

    8. Just throw some mud in front of the CT and watch it get stuck.


    9. There are laws stating you can’t ship products to Russia. Guess this pos refuses to recognize this. He should go straight to jail for helping an enemy state

    10. It’s gotta be bullshit advertising campaign by Elon himself
      What better to make the “alphas”truck more tough and “alpha”

    11. It’s next level thinking to think that a Cybertruck could survive combat when it can barely survive a trip to the store.

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