Developing: Janet Jackson sounded like a total Karen and is currently being roasted on the internets

    by Head-Selection-1415


    1. FistPunch_Vol_7 on

      Fucking sucks seeing musicians, artists, athletes you grew up with doing and saying shit like this. I know separate the artist from the art but goddamn.

    2. I love *Ms. Jackson if you’re nasty* down, but she shouldn’t be questioning anybody’s blackness when she’s breathing through the deformed nose of a white woman, her siblings have gone through procedures to have white features themselves, her nieces and nephews are white, and she has a biracial child who also happens to be part Arab.

      There’s nothing wrong with saying *”I don’t know, I don’t understand, I have no knowledge on this topic”*, etc. People need to start learning how and when to shut the fuck up. You don’t have to have an opinion about everything.

    3. Illustrious-Hand3715 on

      One thing I’ve learned in my old age is to never put your idols on a pedestal they all dumb/scumbags.

    4. Why are these black artist doing this. Like can’t they not read the room like there’s graffiti on the walls. What are they gaining,

    5. CommunicationOwn322 on

      And for all these years, here I was thinking, Janet is the normal one of the family. Smh.

    6. “I’m not informed enough to have an impactful opinion on that subject. In fact, my expertise is primarily in entertainment and issues DIRECTLY related to entertainment. ”

      Even with a Central Florida GED, I could figure out the proper response.

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