My girlfriend’s face cream contains gold

    by EmbarrassedPhysics83


    1. Yeah gold does nothing for the skin, if they want the “shimmer” cheap glitter is always an option. It’s like that one bottle of alcohol that contains gold flakes, legit no point in it besides to price it higher than needed

    2. Fun-Dimension5196 on

      That’s pretty benign. There are face creams that contain snails, donkey milk, or even placenta.

    3. That shit looks thicker than the bible. Better to list which elements of the periodic table it doesn’t contain.

    4. They put it in their overpriced cream so a wife can show her husband the ingredients when he asks “Why is it so expensive? Did they put gold in it?” 🤣🤣🤣

    5. Gold has been used as high end skincare ingredient for centuries, it has some anti-inflammatory properties and potentially anti-aging

    6. Also contains dimethicone which is silicone, that can block pores. And being silicone, which isn’t water soluble, will remain in the pores.

    7. Grab the Yuka app, then never put that crap on your face again. The beauty industry doesn’t care about your health.

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