Bad habits..

    by FrenchieB014


    1. Louis Bourbon de Soisson was a French general during the thirty-year war; he served for the imperial and tried to oppose the RIchelieu government, where he tried to aid the principality of Sedan.

      He was actually a skilled general who inflicted a severe defeat to the French forces at La Marfée; 3,000 French were killed for a few imperials.


      Louis had a very bad habit.

      He used his pistol to raise the visor of his helmet..

      … you know the end

    2. NotStreamerNinja on

      Remember the safety rules.

      1. Don’t point it at your face

      2. Don’t load it unless you plan to use it

      3. Keep your booger hook off the bang button

      Follow these rules to avoid ending up like this guy.

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