We are indeed too far gone

    by Saibotnl1


    1. This isn’t an item one just stumbles upon by accident. “Eww look how weird this things is, but don’t ask me how I found it!”

    2. I’m sorry but the miracle of childbirth is carrying a living being inside of you for 9 months, not shitting out a butt plug I feel like this is fake.

    3. Does it come with the built in speaker for crying noises and lube that is almost as good as the fluid inside a womb ? Do they provide extra vibration and regulator in the mobile app ? Are alll the features free or on monthly premiums?

    4. Sry op I like things that I like, and I do not like that

      (But I’ll like it for skelletor at least)

    5. There are days, when I don’t need a Baby or whatever to expirience the miracle of birth through my rectum…

    6. And enjoy the emotional trauma of a stillbirth too. (I am not advocating to do this with a live baby)

    7. Gloomy-Shoe-4021 on

      Child birth is extremely painful, the only reason people go through it is so that they can have a child. Plus the rectum and vagina are different, so it won’t feel the same.

    8. Praetorian_1975 on

      Fine they can have this one, as long as they keep it in for the full term …. That’s right the whole 9 months 😈😂

    9. Gloomy-Shoe-4021 on

      1. Childbirth is an extremely painful process and the only reason people go through it is so they can have a child of their own.

      2. This is the equivalent of trying to shit out a malformed dildo. So it’s not the same thing. Whoever made this clearly does not understand what birthing a child means.

    10. Jedi_Knight_Will on

      Hey, let them feel special! Because once everyone is special, nobody is. They just don’t know it yet

    11. anotherdamnscorpio on

      I had to look it up because it sounds fake but damn. I guess this checks out unfortunately.

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