
    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. A_Humble_Peasant on

      It really sucks that the recent Crisis movies made sure we’ll never have a chance at another season, especially after seeing Young Justice and X-men get unlikely comebacks

    2. I miss Teen Titans so much man, the mix of comedy and drama was a perfect mix and I had no idea I was witnessing a generational run. Above all else, I miss Robin being a first-ballot HOF crashout. Like, bro was holding his own against all these people with powers and crazy tech with nothing but the pole and them hands. He did get the piss beat out of him by Slade a lot (those who know, don’t spoil it for people who ain’t watch) and was still ready to run the fade. I’ll never forget that vicious-ass 100 ft, double kneedrop on Saico Tek.

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