The goals of the rich…

    by BarronGreen89


    1. Someone thinks ***Knives Out*** is a documentary.

      Either that or doesn’t have a family where they will fight like cats & dogs among each other, but if an outsider attacks one of them….

    2. Fun fact, worked a job where I was told I could work all the overtime I wanted, fast forward six months, 7 so days a week, 16 hours a day. The owner of this multi billion organization threw a fucking fit cause he ended up paying three workers 3/4 of a million dollars. So what’s his brilliant strategy, hire more workers. Now everyone is laid off.

    3. Dated a rich girl once. Election time was up ahead. We both had similar leftist beliefs and were talking about the same greens politician to vote for. Her and her family were part of an association for family businesses in our country. When the election got closer she found out a family friend from their business owners association was running for a centre right party. This is a party we both disliked. But she voted for him because he’s one of theirs. And she explained it by saying “well you’re still voting for the person I agree with politically so I think it evens out”.

      This girl literally just voted for someone that she doesn’t agree with politically because he was one of theirs. It blew my mind.

      Later we went to a party hosted by said organisation. One of the guys there got drunk and was harassing us, and later she grabbed her boob. I didn’t know at the time, nor did I find out then because my girlfriend didn’t want to make a big deal out of it because “he is always like that” and “we’ve known him since we were kids”.

      If you’re part of their group, it doesn’t matter if your political beliefs are completely different, or if they literally harass you. They support each other. Because as far as they are concerned, the world is us versus them.

    4. And the girl was an immigrant. They used that against her and threatened to turn in her family to immigration.

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