Fully agree, he’s just a vessel

    by Bihema


    1. I can see that happening

      First constitutional crisis, and I can see Trump’s cabinet 25th Amendment Trumps’ ass, and put JD Vance as a sock puppet for the billionaire tech bros

      Follow the money people

    2. Mindless-Pogram on

      “Useful tool”. It should be the lead argument of every dem political ad.

      Is he old? Yes. Is he senile? Yes. Is he corrupt and corruptible? Yes.

      Does he have a mountain of followers and is the de facto head of a 100 million person cult? Yes.

      “Useful tool.”

      ETA: The bigger issue, which would be hilarious if it wasn’t our future, is the way in which various political and business factions will tear him and each other apart trying to maximize their use of the tool.

    3. Trump has always been a mouthpiece for whoever he had the the most to gain from, whether that be financial gain or protection from prosecution. He has no political stance, he simply parrots what the owners want him to say, it’s as simple as that. He just doesn’t care.

    4. Yep. The operational part of that document is, basically, “How do we implement as much of this policy as fast as possible in a way that’s as hard to reverse as possible, even if our President is kind of a doofus?”

      It is *extremely* clear in reading the doc that the authors view the Trump administration as a huge missed opportunity, one they don’t intend to squander twice.

    5. Imo, Vance is the best prospect of tech bro plans to overtake the government. Heritage foundation is completely fine with that bcuz their fundamental beliefs are aligned. Tech billionaires like the ‘All In’ four are not interested in one thing, and they see themselves as the rightful rulers of our future.

      Like Trump, they do not care about anyone but themselves and those that’ll support their vision of supremacy. I know some of those people, and they’re all okay with being bought.

    6. DanielTheEunuch on

      I completely believe they will remove Trump with the 25th or some other means based on his criminal convictions.

    7. Considering Don Jr was instrumental in daddy picking Vance I wonder does Jr want daddy gone to claim the head of the trump empire?

    8. For sure. It wouldn’t be difficult to “25th Amendment” Trump. He’s in the grips of dementia and delusion already.

    9. MyInterThoughts on

      Does anyone think that Trump was his own boss at any point during his political career? He is the biggest useful idiot maybe in all of American history.

    10. Been saying that since he took the VP candidacy.  Vance has been bankrolled by weird libertarian technocrat bros like Thiel from the jump, and holds a lot of their same super weird beliefs, a lot of which overlaps with weird MAGA beliefs and all mix together in the Project 2025 playback.  

      Trump holds no real core beliefs that can’t be compromised for personal gain, and he’s also super lazy.  Trump being POTUS is just the Trojan Horse to get Vance in the White House, and he’d be much more focused and engaged on advancing truly terrible policies.

    11. Trump was going to be so easy to prove unfit because Trump was already an idiot before dementia. But I don’t think Vance even knows that he’s not the end game either.

      It’s just insane because these people on the paranoid right keep freaking out over “deep state democrats” yet religious organizations and foreign powers are publicly stating that they’re blowing the whole thing up and the conspiracy can’t see what’s in front of them.

    12. NoLibrarian5149 on

      He’s a hard-to-control oversized yacht that recklessly keeps running over other boaters but the Heritage Foundation needs him and he needs them.

      That being said, the Heritage Foundation has its tentacles all over the place. If DJT somehow wins via shitty electoral college bullshit due to all the election shenanigans that have been going on these past few years (decades), I’d suggest he stay away from the high floors of buildings.

    13. Plausible.

      Get him declared unfit to be president using the 25th and then install Vance.

      Trump basically told GOP to back him unconditionally or he takes his voter base with him, they knew they were finished if he did that. However, they know how to play to long game and Trump isn’t that bright so won’t figure out what is happening esp. if he thinks GOP are compliant.

      Who knows how Trump was convinced to choose Vance, one of the tech bros backing Trump told him that if he chooses Vance he’ll get their full backing?

      Edit: Just to add, think about how many thought RFK Jr would be appointed running mate as soon as he declared his support for Trump, hasn’t happened yet.

    14. I hadn’t thought of that, but considering they care about power above all, it’s real damn plausible.

    15. Stated with W. Elect the dumbest motherfucker possible and they can use him as a puppet. Then in 2016 they decided, hey let’s elect someone even dumber than that other fucker. 2024? Let’s put a literal moron on the ticket and see if we can make that work.

    16. JD Vance was birthed from a tube like in blade runner.

      In Springfield Ohio, there’s tons of Haitians. Cells.
      They’re eating the cats. They’re eating the dogs. Cells.

    17. I said exactly this months ago, Vance is a Manchurian candidate and Trump is a useful idiot. Within one or two years into his second term, Trump would suffer an accident either killing or incapacitating him and then ousted from office. Vance, who becomes president, suspends the constitution and the SCOTUS-six affirm it. Project 2025 is deployed in full. Then the Christian State of the United States of America is a fact, with Vance being crowned the Supreme Father, their new term for president.

    18. But that would mean they would have to convince some faithful republican to try to take him out in some dramatic way .. wait a minute…

    19. I had a guy on Shitter tell me he didn’t care about Trump’s mental state because soon as he got in, someone else would be running the show. And he was completely fine with the idea, yet was arguing about Biden’s age and mental state. They do not care about ANYTHING but putting the Republicans in power, any of them.

    20. Well, she’s not wrong.

      Trump was never a true Republican. He’s just some narcissist who the Republicans thought they could manipulate into being the “face” for their party, and to enact. their agenda.

      They essentially made a deal with the devil and are now getting burned.

    21. forcryingoutmeow on

      Someone, or several someones, need to float this idea in front of trump. He’ll pop several blood vessels. Because deep down, he knows this is true, and that he’s now in the position of being the useful idiot.

    22. Fit_Werewolf_9413 on

      Obviously. The GOP has been taken over by MAGA radicals. Trumps the guy now, but they’re looking at the next 20 years. Vance is supposed to be that guy

    23. Can’t say this loud enough. Trumps health won’t have him last another full term. When Trump eventually dies from a fast-food coronary, or because he hasn’t exercised since 1982, then Vance becomes President by default.

      The eye-liner wearing ex-homosexual cross dresser who changed his name 3x cos he can’t figure out who he really is, will be running the COUNTRY.

      This should scare people more than it is.

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