Anything but guns.

    by TheNurse_


    1. There is a reason the GOP defunded government studies on gun violence. That allowed their anti-American lies to do more damage

    2. So if I get it right;

      in Johnson’s perception mass shootings are committed by disgruntled women that are randomly throwing lawbooks at people. Because they snapped after divorcing their husbands, since they didn’t agree that women stood up for their own rights, after willingly opting for an abortion in the 9th month. So no guns were used. Only books. Which is why they want to ban certain ones.

      Did I sum it up right?

    3. dragonfliesloveme on

      The gop just doesn’t seem to have respect for anybody. People like that shouldn’t be making decisions for other people imo

    4. If mass shootings were because of anti-abortion laws and feminist issues, it would be women shooting men. Not men/boys shooting everyone.

    5. I see root causes as gun lobbyists making certain semi automatic rifles are available to the public and police and the Reagan administration dissolving funding for mental health institutions. But I must be woke.

    6. Moses over here claiming god is punishing us for our ‘sinful’ ways. Just like blaming the ‘gays’ for natural disasters.

      That’s why it’s always ‘thoughts and prayers’.

    7. youtube_and_chill on

      I’m genuinely curious if these politicians actually believe this shit or they just say it because they know their base does.

    8. Cheap_Search_6973 on

      Of all the things they mention, one is a thing that’s no longer in affect because of them. So they just said they’re to blame for gun violence

    9. It’s the job of frontline troops to kill people, when necessary. If guns don’t kill people, should we be giving them feminism and no-fault divorces instead of rifles?

    10. So basically, make women into men’s property and the management shootings will stop. Not beating the weird allegations.

    11. Three things that have no effect on young,right-wing white males,who do most of the shootings. Makes perfect sense,if you’re a moron.

    12. UnpricedToaster on

      Weird. None of the shooters mentioned it before, but that must explain it, right? I mean who am I going to believe: Science, Mental Health Professionals, Sociologists, and Comparative Analysis between the US and other similar countries OR… this fucking misogynist asshole?

    13. *Hey, let’s not blame the guns! What if we tax an additional 2% of our income into mental healthcare for children? Wait, hang on, 2% extra? Actually, it might be a little bit about the guns after all.*

    14. I’m surprised he didn’t throw in online porn. Couldn’t be the gun lobby being against common sense gun laws that a majority of people want. Mental health care is expensive. It’s cheaper to buy a gun and shoot up a school. Abortion being outlawed, so there will be more unwanted babies that their parent can’t afford, and they are living in poverty. Those kids grow up and are supposed to be the good guys with guns to stop the bad guys. The prime reason White Christian Nationalists spreading hate and fear of POC.

    15. Right. It’s the fault of women having rights. If we didn’t have rights, everything would be fine. FFS.

    16. TrailerParkRoots on

      “If we just control women and make their lives miserable white men will stop killing everyone!”
      – this weirdo

    17. You know if Mike tucked his sack back and put on a little more rouge then he already wears he could pass for feminine.

    18. KenCosgrove_Accounts on

      Yes. All of those kids that shoot up their schools are totally doing it because of no-fault divorces lol what a maroon

    19. Privatejoker123 on

      Is anyone actually surprised at this? NRA owns the gop they can’t afford to blame the guns.

    20. weird. i was raised by a divorced feminist who’d had an abortion and yet somehow i’ve never shot up a school

    21. So, women. It’s always women. We are the enemy so might as well show him just how powerful we are at the ballots. I’ve got more BDE in my perfectly manicured pinky finger than he does in his entire brain dead political party.

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