They were going n-word for n-word

    by BPTeehee


    1. I blame you corny ass “You’re invited to the cookout” New York and California mfs for this.

    2. Dominicans too, they love to use the word and then turn around and be adamant about not being confused or associated with black people

    3. Time-Study-3921 on

      Honestly this is niggas from New York and Texas fault, y’all let them get to comfortable

    4. IserveJesusChrist on

      Interesting because in the country of Mexico there is a lot of prejudice against black people. Even harrassment of black Mexicans who venture into main cities. Odd that saying the N-word is cool while disliking blacks.

    5. UhohSantahasdiarrhea on

      And teenage white girls.

      Like, nobody told you that was okay. You just did it one day, and because nobody popped out of the ground to beat the shit out of you, it must mean it’s fine.

    6. Unusual_Analyst9272 on

      Nah, these are Mexicans that don’t fully embrace either culture and are just throwing the word around.

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