Crown from the Tillya Tepe, Tomb VI, 1st century BC – 1st century AD. Photographer is Thierry Ollivier of the Musée Guimet Museum [1280 x 1106]

    by Mysterious_Sorcery

    1 Comment

    1. Mysterious_Sorcery on

      The “Crown from the Tillya Tepe, Tomb VI” is made of gold and tiny imitation turquoise. It was discovered at the archaeological site of Tillya Tepe in Afghanistan, dating back to the 1st century BC – 1st century AD. It was considered part of the “Bactrian Gold” treasure trove, a collection of exquisite gold jewelry discovered at Tillya Tepe. Tillya Tepe, which literally means “Golden Hill” or “Golden Mound” in Persian and Dari, is an archaeological site in the northern Afghanistan province of Jowzjan near Sheberghan, excavated in 1978 by a Soviet-Afghan team led by the Soviet archaeologist Viktor Sarianidi. The “Bactrian hoard” found there is a collection of about 20,600 ornaments, coins and other kinds of artifacts, made of gold, silver, ivory, etc., that were found in six burial mounds erected for five women and one man, with extremely rich jewelry, dated to around the 1st century BCE-1st century CE. The ornaments include necklaces set with semi-precious stones, belts, medallions and a crown. After its discovery, the hoard went missing during the wars in Afghanistan, until it was “rediscovered” and first brought to public attention again in 2003. A new museum in Kabul is being planned where the Bactrian gold will eventually be kept.

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