Happened to me for a brief moment today

    by Next_Airport_7230


    1. Lost_Wanderer1139 on

      And more disappointing thing is that i need to wake up instead of sleeping again cz i am not in school but a job 😁

    2. No homework. Just lots and lots of life stuff I continuously put off because no one is grading my performance anymore.

    3. PrimitiveThoughts on

      I work from home, so I don’t clock in, I meet deadlines.

      That’s still me today… I have an assignment due tomorrow!

    4. I have to do both AND deal with depression. Life sucks sometimes. Actually, scratch that. Most of the time.

    5. Yes, I have this constant dream where I’m back in college days or high school where I had to study for exams and I wake up in panic thinking I have some big exam tomorrow, only to realize that I’m actually 31 years old and that shit is gone. Thank god, greatest feeling ever.

    6. Yes, all of these things + I’m actually in community college right now, as an adult with a job, and have homework due on Friday. And by homework I mean I’m supposed to come up with a fictional character, write a full character description and half a novel based on this character, it’s like 12 assignments rolled into one, by Friday… Fml!

    7. Too busy living the “shit it’s Sunday the weekend’s gone too fast and I gotta go to work again tomorrow” dream.

    8. Life_Promise_6345 on

      Sunday is my Friday, so I groan and moan throughout the day (Sunday is the busiest day of the week) but then I get my day off on Monday

    9. I keep having nightmares that I’m late for the final exam even though I already have a degree and a job for years now.

    10. I’m in EMT school rn, so I’ve gone back to doing this lol. It was a nice 10 years of no homework, but I’m glad I’m finally going through with this shit!

    11. My homework now is just getting black out drunk by 2pm on Sunday so I don’t wake up for work with a hangover.

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