Infertile Tawny owl’s eggs are replaced with orphaned chicks while Tawny owl is away

    by SouL145


    1. Numerous-Passage-625 on

      This is amazing, the orphaned chicks looked so sad when the video started, then Mama comes in and they look so happy. 🥹

    2. A great video. She was ecstatic to see them! And she was prepared, looks like she’s a good hunter.

    3. Two piles of nicely stacked dead mice. One with his little legs sticking up in the air. A perfect compliment to a loving mother owl 🙂

    4. Two piles of nicely stacked dead mice. One with his little legs sticking up in the air. A perfect compliment to a loving mother owl 🙂

    5. DinoAnkylosaurus on

      She is mothering the heck out of those chicks! Undoubtedly the first time she’s had chicks to care for.

    6. Agreeable-Chair7040 on

      Awww. She was ok, these my babies. I gotta… ..them..under. There. Perfect fit. Not too big at all. 💖💖

    7. Every spring we have this chicken that will sit on eggs for weeks. For whatever reason, her nest doesn’t have fertilized eggs. She’ll get all worn out and crazed, refusing to leave the nest and going back to it even when we take her off.

      So we go pick up a few chicks from the store and set them under her while she’s sitting. She’ll perk up and start talking to them, mother bird language, and then she’ll raise them as her own.

      Seeing the same thing with feathery friends here.

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