Spot on! She was right.

    by GuiltyBathroom9385


    1. They left before Trump got a chance to explain how Hannibal Lecter is killing windmills with sharks with frickin’ boat batteries on their heads!

    2. They’re probably just rushing out early to beat the post speech lines at the new coin booth. Those things are going to sell out fast.

    3. Automatic-Term-3997 on

      Kamala is right about a lot of things, hopefully people get off their lazy asses and vote for her…

    4. Apprentice ratings went down every single year. The same ol’ show gets really boring after a while.

      He has now been in politics longer than The Apprentice was on the air.

    5. The brilliance of that jab is… really, some people will leave *any* event early for whatever reason. But it hits right in the ego because he’s too emotional to be President.

    6. I’ve heard there’s more to it than that, but not in any good way. To keep the building secure cheaply, they block off all extra spaces, including bathrooms. Trump can blather on for far longer than your average boomer can hold their bladder, because diaper. Trump doesn’t want to pay for local parking, so these events have bussing arranged from somewhere miles away where people can park for free, but in the fine print you aren’t guaranteed a return trip and the busses leave well before the event ends to minimize how much the bus drivers have to be paid. So some people are leaving to find bathrooms and others are leaving in hopes of catching the busses before they leave or starting the long walk across town. Also, a lot of the people who are bussed in are just there to inflate counts and to be counted for their conservative bona-fides, so once they’ve been seen, their job is over.

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