Bronze Age Cypriot Chamber Tomb [7008 × 4672]

    by TechySpecky

    1 Comment

    1. I find burial practices fascinating. So much about ancient people has been forever lost to time due to being destroyed or built on top of.

      Burials/Tombs are one of the very few things that when opened are often exactly as they were as when they were closed thousands of years ago.

      You can learn so much about a culture, for example in Cyprus one can tell that rich peoples tombs were often full of fancy imported goods such as Mycenaean ones early on and then in the classical period attic ware.

      The photo above was taken in the Nicosia Museum and is a recreation of a tomb.

      There’s an article discussing Cypriot burial practices over time here for those nerds amongst us: []( There are also more photos of the tombs, it always surprises me how many artefacts were placed with the dead.

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