The footage is under tight wraps by the FBI.. which is why I totally know about it..

    by Mr__O__


    1. North_Reindeer4157 on

      Love it dozens of pics of diddy w/ trump but they find one with Obama and it’s a “bombshell”

    2. Under what planet would these guys allow themselves to be at a party and videotaped into compromising positions. Right. Let’s be real. Sure does PDiddy have several rap guys on tape and a few celebrities yeah. But not people who watch every move they make.

    3. forever_single_now on

      Sure and I know about one involving Mr tomato with Putin in an intimate encounter. But because it’s international the CIA has it wrapped. 🤦

    4. When it comes to his personal life Obama seems to be as boring as his tan suit. Not saying this is bad but he just seems like a normal President. Not someone who goes to crazy parties like Gates, Vance and Trump

    5. Hundreds of photos/videos of Trump hanging with Epstein & Diddy, along with multiple courts cases, apparently mean nothing, but Obama having a tan suit and Harris not putting McDonald’s on her resume post-college is an outrage.

    6. The danger of being a politician and hanging out with people who have reputation of being shady.

      Edit:that danger is like an explosion. It doesn’t care about your politics.

    7. gardeninthewoods on

      More lies from the Russian propaganda machine. They are in full deflection mode and working hard to prop up their American dictator party.

    8. These right-wingers really try to redirect the focus onto Obama and other Democrat leaders. Try harder.

    9. Just give it up (some republicans), you sound ever more unhinged and deluded. It is becoming sad and pitiful. Genuine old school republicans are probably crying into their Cornflakes because of your crazy nonsense.

    10. You know what? Fine — if it exists, let it out. Prove it.

      Maybe the FBI has footage of Trump teaching Eric and Junior how to kill teenage girls in Diddy’s basement, but they don’t want it to get out. We’ll never know because iT’S BEinG HIddEn FRom uS.

    11. 00notmyrealname00 on

      Remember when shitty people screaming crazy shit on the corner was immediately dismissed by society? Why is it that when we see it written on the internet we immediately assign some level of credibility to the claims?

      These people are morons, and they deserve absolutely zero engagement for their unfounded and libelous claims.

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