How google makes money

    by uiblkcqt


    1. Seems incomplete, YouTube can’t be that small, can it? Even with YouTube premium? And the big amount of ads? Also the operating expense can’t be that low, they must have huge datecenters, don’t they?

    2. Huge amount of ads on YouTube. Almost impossible to watch any more. 50 second ads you can’t skip

    3. Verily is not “bets”. It’s healthcare advancement – they basically throw smart people at a healthcare problem, develop something, and then take that to a big healthcare provider.

    4. I had $250 a month coming out in subscriptions through Googlepay. I accidentally signed up for a subscription for $200/year and they refused to refund it. I switched all my subscriptions through googlepay to be withdrawn straight from the companies. Because Google refused to refund me $200 they lost out on $250/ month

    5. Sorry, for an offtopic, but: how do you call that kind of diagrams? I cannot find any name or template with inflow and/or outflow visualisation. Even image (ai) search don’t point to matching results.

    6. Is this graph updated? I was under the impression Google Cloud already made more money than search.
      Gonna look into it.

    7. What about revenue from selling hardware? Chromebooks, Chromecast, Pixel phones and watches, Nest devices…

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