Every year 500,000 Horseshoe Crabs are captured then released after having their blue blood harvested. This blood is used by pharmaceutical sector.

    by ihateshitcoins2


    1. “The horseshoe crabs are harvested because a component of their blue blood is used to ensure medical products are free of bacteria. Once harvested, the Cape Romain crabs are brought to a Charleston-based laboratory where about a third of their blood is drained. Of the harvested crabs, up to 30% can die due to the procedure. Many more are weakened to the point that they are unable to produce a normal number of eggs, hurting the species and further imperiling the migratory shorebirds.”

      Source: https://defenders.org/newsroom/conservation-organizations-file-motion-suspend-horseshoe-crab-harvest

    2. Reasonable_Clue_2217 on

      A large number die. The release program is not considered “sustainable” by many. Listen to NPR stories from 2023

    3. Their tails are folded underneath them to expose a seam in their chitin so blood can be collected. They are very carefully cared for and released afterwards as they are so valuable (and can’t be easily bred in captivity), their blood is one of the most expensive substances in existence.

      This title (and lack of any context or explanation from OP) reads like antivaxx manipulation since the major use for the harvested blood is making vaccines safe.

    4. It’s easy to get offended by this and I agree that it’s a bit messed up humans have got to this point. But I bet the offence is lessened when you or your family take life saving medication thanks to this, and most of you are sat at home with dead animals in your fridge/freezer.
      They bleed them and release them. Up to 30% die apparently. There’s a lot of fake info in these comments

    5. WAIT…Looks like the Water of Life

      Are horseshoe crabs earths version of sandworms!?


    6. Just as a comparison, in the Delaware bay there is a large horseshoe crab conservation project going on. They estimate that there are in the Delaware Bay alone over 30.000.000 horseshoe crabs are living.

      World wide there are billions according to estimates, and these 500.000 for biomedical use make hardly any impact. What does make a gigantic impact, is them being caught for dinner and their habitat destruction. Especially in Asia, where the population decline is over 90% due to over fishing for food (specifically the roe).

    7. WHERE ARE ALL OF THE KABUTO COMMENTS? Am I the only old fuck on the internet that remembers the original 150?

    8. This is a key ingredient for some formulations of Mesotherapy used to dissolve fat cells. Patients have to be screened for shellfish allergy before injecting some Mesofats because the allergic reaction to this crab could be fatal.

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