This isn't normal anymore….

    by Otherwise_Reaction75


    1. Little_Assistant_551 on

      Ah, so close… if only they pu up one more of those they’d convinced me who’s the better candidate… oh well, better luck next time I guess

    2. I’m wondering if the bigger sign saying “free signs” has something to do with this display.

      Are these the free signs and you can come take one?

      Is this someone who doesn’t want to see a bunch of Trump signs so he’s trying to get all the free ones leaving none for anyone else? (And tomorrow he’ll throw them in the trash)

    3. If you look next to the road, there is a massive sign saying free signs. I’m surprised no one has seen it! (No mud slinging)

    4. When you ask, “Maybe this is AI?” and then you realize, quick as a flash, “Considering the source, No.”

    5. There is a house I drive by and literally everyday they add something else. It’s almost like mental illness. Instead of decorating for Halloween or fall the entire “vibe” of the home is Trump. Last I counted they have 30 signs in the yard and multiple ones from their trees. I’ve been waiting for someone to run through the yard taking them. Could only imagine the reaction.

    6. ![gif](giphy|TlK63EI7rtUu9IAyxTW|downsized)

      Do you people EVER talk about anything other than Trump? There’s a whole planet worth of facepalms to choose from, but no… we have Trump, we have Musk, and that’s your lot apparently.

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