Three Gorges Dam in China slowed down Earth’s rotation

    by Fun_League9377


    1. “NASA says that the dam slowed earth down by 0.06 microseconds, which means that our day is now a teeny bit longer than it was before. But it’s not just time that changed. The changing of the earth’s rotation also changed the positions of the North and South Poles by 0.8 inches.” that article waffles on way too long before it gets to the point.

    2. socialis-philosophus on

      So if we build a bigger damn in the opposite direction, will it speed things up and make the days shorter?

    3. doomiestdoomeddoomer on

      After reading the article, that is pretty wild that humans can build things that affect the earths rotation at all. But also that we have the capability to measure it.

    4. Dangerous_Clothes_21 on

      As if anything we humans make can do this. Change the rotation of a planet come on seriously.

    5. Also screwed up the other river systems downstream and now those countries have to beg china to release more water

    6. I mean technically I altered the earth’s rotation when I rolled out of bed in the morning. You did too.

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