Cleaning the mess up. Smoker’s Home!

    by billibillibillendar


    1. SpaceRangerWoody on

      It definitely looks better, but if you think the nicotine is gone, think again. Every time I take a hot shower I get nicotine drips down the wall, and no one has smoked in my home in 15 years. Once that shit gets embedded, the only way to truly get it out is to replace the drywall and/or ceiling.

    2. I call bullshit on this one. Unless the one person pictured in this video had a large crew with him to clean, there is zero percent change of cleaning all of that in 3 hours. Zero.

    3. Honestly I’m not surprised there weren’t rats and mice, they probably all died of cancer.

    4. The way they describe the tenant just as a “smoker”, like it’s normal for smoker’s homes to look like that. This person was obviously more than a smoker- a hoarder, or otherwise mentally unwell, or handicapped, or something.

    5. Wonder if their parents caught them smoking one cigarette, so made them smoke *insert ludicrous number here*.

    6. I’m surprised the apartment hasn’t burned down.

      So much architectural prowess! Or skill of the smoker to kill the light.

    7. That place probably still reeks of cigarette smoke also he only cleaned the AC unit filters. The coils are probably caked in tar.

    8. IOnlySayMeanThings on

      This is fake. cigarette tar doesn’t just melt off like this, not to mention all the furniture seems to be completely without wear once the filth is gone. The desk and counters have no worn edges. It’s some kind of ad, the 3 hour timeline is advertising. They make every shot look so easy, there is no scrubbing or difficulty removing anything at all. No layer of cigarette butts that have melded to the floor, no scraping, etc. Everything comes off easy like a detergent infomercial.

    9. Alextryingforgrate on

      Close the doors and windows crank up the heat and wait to see how much nicotine has been absorbed into the pours of the walls and ceiling.

    10. FoodieMonster007 on

      100% staged.

      1) It’s a miracle that a buildup of so many cigarette butts did not burn down the house.

      2) Even soaking the floor and walls with bleach for 3 hours would not remove a smoke stain fully, and he did the whole cleaning in 3 hours?

      3) There’s no wear and tear at all on the tables, floors, bed, and toilet. No scratches, most importantly no burn marks. Someone who would hoard that much trash would likely also snuff out their cigs on random surfaces.

    11. Necessary_Advice_795 on

      At what point do you just decide to throw it on the ground, in your own house and manage to not burn alive for so many years? That’s some mental stuff.

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