Wow, just wow. Genocide is bad ass?!

    by PhilipCarroll


    1. Expensive-Pea1963 on

      This seems to be saying that the Nazis were the victims of genocide, rather than the perpetrators.

    2. Ok, I know a lot of folks on the right are obsessed with “owning the libs” in absence of actually standing for anything. “Nazis were good guys because they owned the libs” was always going to be the inevitable conclusion.

    3. They had absolutely no problem collaborating with the Soviets. They only invaded because Hitler was expecting a repeat of WWI when the Russian military was humiliated and routed easily. He was so overconfident that he ordered a full invasion when his generals told him to strategically retreat to avoid winter war.

      Also, please carefully take note that HALF of Germany wound up under Soviet occupation as a result of his extreme blundering.

    4. Not_Associated8700 on

      More and more nazis are coming out of the woodwork. This is their next best chance to take over the world. Vote blue like your ass depends on it.

    5. Ah yes, Marxism. That thing invented by a German. Later further popularized by another German. Which rooted entirely in a philosophical tradition created by…a lot of Germans. Who all attended or taught in the Marxist capital of the world *checks notes* Berlin.

    6. Public_Concentrate_4 on

      Yes, because political ideals are a reason to unalive, enslave, SA, and treat human beings like trash.

    7. Wrong….I aint proud of Nazi at all. So your statement about everyone being proud of Nazi is incorrect.

    8. Traditional_Gap_7041 on

      You upvoted the comment, yet the number’s still at one. This means someone (Probably the reply) downvoted the statement.

    9. No see akshyually it’s the Naizs(who we’re gonna describe as Germans to whitewash a bit) who were the victims. All those people ovens and gas chambers were in self defense, clearly.

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