No one vapes like Americans. We’re the best at vaping. Simply perfect at it. The best vapers I’ve ever seen. Personally.

    by oTLDJo


    1. Yes-Please-Again on


      “I am a single issue voter”
      “Oh? What’s the issue? Abortion? Healthcare? Immigration? Taxes? Foreign policy?”

    2. everythingbeeps on

      Trump’s the one who banned a bunch of vaping shit in 2020.

      I wonder if his recent meeting with a vaping lobbyist had anything to do with his flip flop.

    3. I’m confused because his voter base hated electric cars.

      Now he’s besties with Elmo.

      His base hates vapes and “lib stuff” but now he’s saving vaping?

    4. After the tobacco industry wrote a fat check delivered by a vape lobbyist in a personal loan the previous day.

    5. CriticalStation595 on

      We’re still not at that point where the guys in the white uniforms with nets show up to haul him off to the crazy house?

    6. Sjfjdoajrosnxoan on

      Clearly doing this just to get votes, but I think Kid Rock was already in the bag for him so this was totally unnecessary.

    7. I work with a lot of late teens and early 20 somethings. They all freaking vape. It’s an attempt at getting the young votes. It’s not gonna work, and none of them have even probably heard about it because they don’t care about politics. But that’s what this nonsense is.

    8. Hefty-Pomegranate-63 on

      “I had a vaper come up to me the other day, big, strong, handsome vaper and he said, “sir, your ban on flavored vapes saved my life, I used to vape all the time because it tasted so good now I barely vape at all because it tastes terrible, thank you sir!” And it’s true, you look at what was happening before I did that and people were dropping like birds in front of windmill next to an asylum..”

    9. Even most vapers understand that vaping is a douchey habit, and he’s killing his middle American housewife vote as the rise of vaping in young children is an actual and legitimate concern.

      He could have encouraged more of his target market by proposing a tax break on Subarus with underbody neons.

    10. QuantumXCy4_E-Nigma on

      “All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 vapes, which is one more than we have”

    11. I thought his ‘real men’ followers who like his strong man act, would be smoking real smokes, not some new age vape crap. Also, last I checked there is a vape shop in every strip mall, how to they need ‘saving?’

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