Uncle and his family portrait early 70s

    by Prestigious_Bend_789


    1. This family looks like they would’ve starred in an ABC made for TV horror movie from about 1972. The little girl is possessed, the mom sees ghosts, the dad is mean and uncaring, and the little boy is the only one who makes it out alive at the end when he runs to the neighbors screaming for help!

    2. Good looking portrait for the 70s, I feel like there’s something creepy going on though. Maybe the lil girl.

    3. So if James Bond (played by George Lazenby) had a family instead of Diana Rigg getting killed at the end of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

    4. TK431-DoYouCopy on

      Do the bois have white vests under there? Looks odd with the black tie being cut off by the white there.

    5. Spooky vibe, maybe it’s the painter but morbid curiosity makes me wonder if the kids had, problems, later 🙁

    6. Looks like a portrait on the wall of a movie, and lightning crashes when the camera pans to the picture.

    7. “OK, everyone, now let’s look as miserable as possible. Pretend grandpa just died and you were the one who found the body. Ready? 3… 2… 1… “

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