Josh “straight guy” Hawley kissing his female wife

    by geoffkreuz


    1. Your female wife has a bigger Adams apple than you do Josh. I have a feeling you and Mark Robinson have some mutual fantasies and are into the same kind of smut.

    2. There are always three people in bed when they have sex.

      Harley, his wife and the guy they are both fantasising about.

    3. Dont_Hurt_Me_Mommy on

      I literally am not even sure if the caption is real or not. It could go any way with republicans these days

    4. cocoon_eclosion_moth on

      I’m so straight that I make sure to tell everyone how straight I am, which is something only fellow straight people, like me, would do. That’s just how straight I am. So, so straight. Very. Yup.

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