Why even bother going

    by ExactlySorta


    1. It must be hard to dismiss all the news of him getting dementia and rambling only to drag yourselves out on the weekend and see it front and center. SAD!

    2. Does anyone ever catch them on the way out and ask them why they’re leaving?  Did what happened differ substantially from what you expected? 

    3. I don’t understand why they go to leave early? Are they not really supporters and they’re just going to see the crazy?

    4. Just curious what they expected to see?

      Most of them arent voting Republican, they’re voting Trump. They dont care about Vance, Abortion, Fascism or crimes. They only care about Trump and whatever conspiracy he wants them to be angry about for the week.

      So if they go to these klan meetings and leave early, then what exactly did they get out of it?

    5. “Make America Great Again. GOOD NIGHT!”

      Didn’t he just say if he saw people trying to leave early he’d wrap up and go home himself???

      Just another line of BS.

    6. Peer pressure.

      I grew up in the South. It was hard to say I wasn’t Republican. You get ostracised, even by family. It takes courage, knowing the consequences.

    7. They’re still going to vote for him. They know he’s a liar, womanizer and con man, but he’s going to lead them to the return of Jesus and the Rapture. They just don’t need to hear his bullshit.

    8. Hairy_Afternoon_8033 on

      If he came to town I would go just for the spectacle. I would never vote for him. But I like a circus as long as I don’t have to clean up after the monkeys.

    9. I cross my fingers🤞, and hope that maybe 1 in 100 are so disillusioned that they don’t vote at all.

    10. Ok-Variation-7390 on

      I hope as they do the walk out they are seriously thinking about voting Harris and stop this madness. Maybe they just go to see the freak show why would you even go? 💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    11. bene_gesserit_mitch on

      At some point, getting home for dinner becomes more important than listening to a madman prattle on about those who’ve wronged him.

    12. So the last time something like this was posted I read people trying to explain it away as “oh they’re just avoiding traffic after a big event.”

      48 minutes left? – yea I think it might be a bit more than people wanting to avoid a traffic rush

    13. Peasant_Stockholder on

      Same old same old DonOld. He spews nonsense. People wanted to hear different talking points. He just goes on and on with what he has called long answers.


    14. Who’s the guy in the suit? Is that Secret Service? I didn’t think they’d be that obvious but I can think of any other explanation. No MAGAt is wearing a suit.

    15. Probably only got paid for two hours, and after the first hour, realized they weren’t gonna get paid anyhow )because trump)so they left early.

    16. I wonder how much is an inability to believe it before they see it? That they don’t actually believe that’s how he speaks…until they experience it?

      Or, how much they just can’t hear him or something. We’re hearing direct mic plug-ins. I imagine his rambles are hard to follow if the volume is anywhere near to low.

    17. I think a lot of people just go to see for themselves what a crazy old guy he is. They hear it all the time from the Left. Might as well see it in person… then leave.

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