Mac could have just told him that Nazis are not welcomed by most employers with a diverse audience

    by Head-Selection-1415


    1. Certain_Degree687 on

      Does anyone ever read articles by said 3.4% . . . . . Most of it is on right-leaning websites that cater to the extremists anyway and most are written in such an alarmist tone that it comes off like something out of The Turner Diaries.

    2. SteelyEyedHistory on

      Maybe Republicans are just lazy and looking for wingnut welfare? Why work for a real media organization that has standards when you can work for one that has none and will pay you more the crazier you are?

    3. If we are to believe this data (there’s no source) the real takeaway is that 60% of journalists are not affiliated with a political party.

    4. Repubs: We’re going to poison the water supply, burn down crops and deliver a plague unto the houses of the poor and colored people

      Media: Republicans allege they will “poison the water supply, burn down crops and deliver a plague unto the houses of the poor and colored people”

      Journalists: I’m here with Republican Leader Killa D. Negros, apparently your party wants to destroy America.

      Killa D. Negros: We never said that.

      Journalist: This is the video clip you said 3 seconds ago

      Killa D. Negros: That was taken out of context.

      Elon Musk after lining 40ft**^(3)** of Ketamine: see this is why the democrats are evil, they’re pushing a false agenda

    5. Unable-Wolf4105 on

      Also most people with education are democrats and you need a degree to be a journalist I would think

    6. Leon, or maybe it says something about how batshit insane the GOP is and journalists, just maybe, can see through the BS and aren’t stuck in a Twitter echo chamber responding to their own alt accounts?

    7. inspirednonsense on

      Isn’t it odd that Independents + Republicans has stayed at a pretty even level? There are plenty of right-wingers in the media, but they don’t call themselves that any more.

    8. Being a journalist means you learn about biases, logic, ethics, truthfulness, and fact finding. None of those are compatible with modern republican ideology.

    9. I don’t know what it is about Elon but I hate him. An I don’t hate people, but like it’s an extreme hate.

    10. Gee I wonder why more reporters don’t want to associate with the party whose leader currently calls them the “enemy” and has no moral qualms in sicking his mob of unhinged followers known to make death threats at them?

    11. ‘Journalist’ is very subjective to the reichwing. Demagoguery is the thing that gets you paid.

    12. Adept-Ranger8219 on

      Maybe boot lickers are generally unfit to be journalists. This lazy causation assumption proves someone being unfit to have power. Elon is a scum. He like Lex Luthor’s inbred, silver spoon, idiot donkey dollar store clone.

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