FDR on the first day of his Presidency and the last. 1933-1945

    by filmingfisheyes


    1. He was only 63 when he died, but had been sick for a long time. That part had been kept a secret from the American public..

    2. FDR was born into privilege. Traveled the world as a child and learned to speak French and German. Homeschooled with tutors. Later attended an upper class boarding school. Went to Harvard. Became a lawyer. Basically he was very privileged. And then he dedicated himself to serving the country.

      These days people who are born into privilege … Buy things and attend freak offs or whatever they’re called. If they do run for public office it seems more often than not, they do it to enrich themselves further.

      What happened to civic duty ?

    3. He looks absolutely drained in that last image. As though three and a half terms sucked the soul out of him.

    4. 12yrs at that job during a World War and trying to hide your illness (for most of it) is a LONG time.

    5. The before and after pics of most US presidents are very telling. I honestly think it might be the worst job people actively try get it.

    6. I’ve seen alot of these presidential before and after photos… they always make you want to never become president 👀

    7. BelatedGreeting on

      You could do this for any president and the results are pretty much the same. That office ages people.

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