by Wolveruno


    1. Honestly anyone caught flopping should get a 15 game suspension. Literally the number one thing everyone knows about soccer is that the players flop over the slightest touch. It’s like they all have skin made from paper and bones made from chalk.

    2. I mean it’s inappropriate the slap but he needs to man up in every sense of the word. No way that hurt that much!

    3. Constantly bitching about flopping like that. And I yell at my middle schoolers for flopping. That’s not how you play

    4. Equal_Procedure_167 on

      Is this kind of BS in the negotiating a contract? You have to react like you got hit by a sniper so many times a season to reach contract obligations for the bonuses?

    5. This is why football will never be a real sport in my eyes. Too much theater not enough sport. When I meet someone who watches it I always treat them like a person who doesn’t know wrestling is fake.

    6. Does this shit work? Also how can he go through life with everyone knowing what a weak looser he is?

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