That’s very funny

    by Mianiela


    1. Ok-Resource-3232 on

      That’s what I’m telling everybody too, but I’m actually just very lazy and tend to start a new hobby every three months, which I get bored of really quick and never complete any project, because of the fear of hollowness after finishing something.

    2. I hate minimalism with the fury of a thousand suns. I hate how modern art and architecture have become about “challenging society.” No, I will not read 5 different books to be able to “appreciate” your hideous contraption, and neither will 99% of people.

    3. rustys_shackled_ford on

      H8te did you know the idiom “low rumg on the totem pole” is a misnomer. While it means you are lowliest of the group, the low a character on a totem pole actually indicates a higher rank or statues.

      Its backwards.

    4. Shit, I need to make a meme “God, can I have?” but it’s architects, concrete and “minimalistic” slop buildings

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