🤦🤦🤦🤦I just want to scream!!

    by Silent-Resort-3076


    1. TaisharMalkier69 on

      This is why he wants Trump to win.

      He knows that, if Harris wins, Democrats will try to push for higher taxes on him and other billionaires.

      So, it is better for him if Trump wins.

    2. Remember, despite this possible outcome, he is somehow still more miserable than most people… It doesn’t feel like it, I get that, but he has made it his life mission to barge his way into every aspect of modern life to the point where it is literally killing him.

    3. Illustrious-Roll7737 on

      He was always in it for the money, but remember when everyone thought he was some kind of philanthropist and called him a real world Tony Stark? This man is the classic douchebag. When he pops a whitehead, douche comes out.

    4. how? he spend millions to buy Twitter and since he did all its advertisers are pulling out. does he really make enough off everything else to not only negate that but get higher total profits from it?

    5. ![gif](giphy|SLET8e7WEOoUI4n4Zq|downsized)

      At this rate, these three robots will be in our future.

    6. Never forget, Reddit, this is your fault. He would’ve “only” been a minor billionaire from old money, but instead he’s the richest man in the world because of Tesla. And why is the stock of a niche luxury car company that had never made a dime (at the time) worth more than fucking antimatter? Because of the cult of personality that dumb people who fancy themselves “nerds” built on sites like Reddit. He was touted as everything from a comic book supergenius to **LITERALLY THE SAVIOR OF HUMANITY**. And [he was always a piece of shit](https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/misdirected-email-sparks-electric-car-war-between-tesla-and-ecotricity-9533260.html). Don’t tell me “he changed” or “we changed our opinion based on new data” because that’s bullshit. The whole house of cards was built on Musk claiming he’d fix this or build that, and he never did. The few that did check back to see if Phony Stark was delivering were shouted down by the neckbeards who had built a cult around Musk.

      Anyone that helped promote his bullshit in the past, from the bottom of my heart, you deserve this monster you made.

    7. Why why why why is this sub so obsessed with this guy? 30 fucking posts a day on him. Aren’t you bored of this yet

    8. Epicporkchop79-7 on

      I don’t see how anyone can look at these numbers and the supposed value of other corporations and try to claim that this isn’t where 100% of the inflation of the last few years has come from

    9. Enough money to make every citizen in like 20+ countries combined ALL millionaires. No one should have that power. The world shouldn’t be an oligopoly.

    10. It’s absolutely sickening the way guys like Elon hoard wealth. This should not be a thing. Certainly not with guys like this.

    11. The fact that a trillionare exists proves we need wealth reform. Tax the rich and feed the kids. Tax the rich and house the poor. Tax the rich and allow families the ability to breathe and spend time with their families. Jesus H Christmas!!! Fuck, Elmo!

    12. We are sooooooo stupid!!!!

      This is the immigrant who is a a danger to America.

      This is the immigrant who is constantly trying to undermine our democracy.

      This is the immigrant who has his loyalty to foreign governments.

      This is the immigrant who is stealing money from Americans.

    13. Prestigious-Case936 on

      “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.” – Lord Acton

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