Chicken sh!t!

    by yorocky89A


    1. PossibilityDecent688 on

      Oddly, “voting has already started” didn’t stop Mitch McConnell from shoving Barrett onto the Supreme Court.

    2. Georgia and other places are currently trying to flush voters and change laws like HAND COUNTING 5-6 million VOTES, and a winner takes all districts rule to turn everything red. if its ‘too late’ why are they still trying to kill people’s votres?

    3. I wish I could find a link to the hilarious ad Harris put out with chicken noises over Trump saying he didn’t think a debate with Harris was necessary (it was in regards to the last debate).

      Harris should just run it again for this one.

    4. It’s too late to debate, but it’s not too late for states to change voting laws in a way that benefits him

    5. Trump says taking part in a debate on October 23, 13 days before election day, is “too late”.

      In 2020 Trump took part in a debate on October 22, 12 days before election day.

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