“It wasn’t just any twerk” 😭

    by Outrageous_Sector544


    1. Did she give him warning that he was putting himself in danger with that twerk? Not saying he would have stopped, but a man deserves to know and decide it’s worth it.

    2. Traditional_Curve401 on

      If a guy I’m dating twerks, we have to have a serious conversation. I don’t think I’m his target audience.

    3. Black Mirror had an episode with something similar: a woman dated a guy. Who was a 10 out of 10 hotties… but every time he drank something, he went “Ahhh!” and it drove her crazy

    4. Sometimes you have the illusion shattered and you can’t UNSEE something your bf/gf does. It can be a relationship ender.

    5. Omg my EX boyfriend used to twerk on me like this. I hated it & told him it was weird.

      One day I asked him why he never initiated sex, and he told me the twerking was how he initiated sex!!

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