Let’s appreciate these two while they are still alive. This is Clint Eastwood and Gene Hackman (1990s).

    by Suspicious-Hat5459


    1. Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 1 time.

      First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/17yun8m) on 2023-11-19 100.0% match.

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    2. Powerhouse duo in Unforgiven.

      >I’ve killed everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And I’m here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you done to Ned.

    3. figuring_ItOut12 on

      Eastwood is 93 and in his latest public event he’s looking very rough. His art, but not his politics, is very much part of my own life story. Amazingly the man is still very much active and still making films. I will miss his influence on popular media despite him lecturing an empty chair some years back.

    4. I don’t mean to diminish the genius of Gene Hackman in any way shape or form but Clint is a true American/Hollywood icon in a way that only a handful of actor/directors have ever achieved and given the direction of the industry I doubt many will ever again.

    5. Good point….Yeah let’s really take the opportunity while they’re alive…. Cuz when they’re dead I won’t be able to have beers with them anymore… So fuckin obvious, much thanks!

    6. christophvonbagel on

      I saw Gene Hackman recently I could hardly recognize him . It’s crazy how age affects the body but it’s the way of the flesh which will happen to all of us .

    7. I was at a restaurant in Berlin and I ordered duck. The waitress starts gushing “Oh I’m so glad you ordered the duck!!! It is Gene Hackman’s favorite. Every time Gene Hackman visits Berlin he comes to this restaurant and orders the duck!!! Gene Hackman is the greatest actor of all time!!!”

    8. Clint Eastwood is a perfect example of having some weird ass views and not getting canceled. If you’re actually good at what you do people will look past politics.

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