Just tell me when it’s over.

    by ryanmulford


    1. And followers are just as bad.
      This was the exchange I just had with a trumper.

      CYNTHIA:The fact that you believe the polls speaks to your seductive reasoning skills or lack thereof.

      Me: I’m pretty sure my “seductive reasoning” is just fine. Well my bf seems to think so. 😂🤣😂😁😂🤣😃🤣😂

    2. Sadly, it won’t be over for quite a while.

      Even if the results of the election are evident that night that Harris won, he’ll be whining, bitching, and filing lawsuits right up to the inauguration.

      At least he should be easier to ignore after that.

    3. saveMericaForRealDo on

      We’re going to relive 2016 unless we buckle down and dispel the “economic genius” myth about Trump.

      He said crypto was a scam but he just started a crypto company (Daily Show has an excellent segment about this).

      Tariffs don’t work (see Ferris Bueller’s Day Out economics class).

      Trump owes money to nearly every major city in the US.

      He has a long history of fraud in civil cases, which should have disqualified him in the public’s eye. Such as Trump University’s $26 million settlement.

      The Apprentice producers had to reverse engineer the editing to hide what a dope he is.

      Please just share this with any American that doesn’t have a Trump face tattoo.

    4. Hearing about trumps actual federal and/or state crimes that go unpunished for almost a decade.

    5. I’m so tired of it. Id love to wake up and just know my government employee was doing their job in the White House instead of what they had for breakfast or who they hate.

    6. Remember, whether or not you think Trump is a master of deception or just a deranged potato brained old man is inconsequential to the point; the point is that the GOP loves and absolutely relies on us getting tired of him doing and saying reprehensible illegal things.

      The more stuff he does, the less time we have to sit and talk about the other stuff he’s done. I’m sure someone else a lot more diligent than me has made a list of every single illegal or awful thing he’s done or said…but he does it all the time. And the more he bludgeons us with it, the more tired we get about it, the more we normalize it, and the less we focus on the one thing. GOP leadership wants this because it’s super advantageous, cuz he’s become their lightning rod of ire while they sit around being disgusting.

      Hey, remember how there’s members of the supreme fucking court who had emails leaked demonstrating they’re compromised? Is that the major breakthrough of the decade? …no? Oh yeah, Trump just said women will be safer under his administration. Guess we should all be raging about that, right?

    7. It will not be over for a very long time. Trump isn’t some anomaly. He’s the product of the Republican party’s unholy alliance of the wealthy, fundamentalist christians and racists.That coalition has been sufficient to paralyze congress, stack SCOTUS and, with the red state electoral college advantage, make the presidential race competitive.

    8. notaredditreader on

      Maybe we are all stuck in some kind of purgatory and November 5 will never come and we have to listen to all this nonsense over and over and over and over…

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