I’m no statistician, but that doesn’t sound right

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Remember that under Trump’s Project 2025 ALL migrants will be deported. Yes, even legal ones. He is that deranged.

      He will have powers close to absolute monarchy after Project 2025 implementation. Have you heard of it? It’s a 900-page plan by Heritage Foundation. Trump implemented 3/4 of their proposals during his term. They call for Project 2025 quite openly, and even hold rallies which Trump attends.

      Check your voter registration.


    2. This man will stand in a bulletproof box with a tampon on his ear after being shot at and look you dead in the eyes and lie. He will stare into your soul and say “What gun problem? America is fine, we don’t have an issue.”

    3. He is in full on desperation mode. KAMALA IS GOING TO NUKE RUSSIA!! EVERYONE WILL BE WIPED OUT!!!

    4. “They’re taking the jobs. Especially the BLACK jobs. You know people come up to me all the time and they say ‘sir’ (that’s what they ALWAYS call me – sir) they say ‘sir you’re the only one who can save us’ and they’re right. So many jobs are being stolen by ILLEGAL RAPIST MURDEROUS TRANSGENDER PRISONER ALIENS FOLKS! Did you know they all come from asylums? Did you know that? I keep hearing asylum asylum, that’s all you ever hear. They’re sending their LUNATICS here to steal BLACK JOBS. And the democrats love it – they want ALLLLL the illegals here because they’re the only ones voting for Camel ah. Our elections are so rigged folks. Let me tell you, if they weren’t rigged, communist Camel ah wouldn’t get one single vote – NOT ONE! When I’m president again we’re going to fix it all. And MEXICO is going to pay for it!”

    5. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      They want black peoples being shot in the streets – but gotta keep them in a rage about it until that happens.

      Garbage humans

    6. Darksoul_Design on

      He is the literal embodiment of the old saying “how do you know when a politician is lying., their lips move”. Pretty much everything he says is total bullshit.

    7. sloppybuttmustard on

      Not even the dumbest of Trumpers actually believes that bullshit. They know he’s making shit up just to hate on migrants, but they don’t care.

    8. AGuyWhoBrokeBad on

      Workers: Immigrants are taking our jobs.

      Republicans: How awful!!!

      Workers: AI is taking our jobs.

      Republicans: That’s capitalism, get skills or go broke!

    9. So how come the company I work for has only hired American citizens who were born and raised in the United States?

    10. I made myself an “illegal alien”, being completely white and from this country just to keep my job…its been tough.

    11. Jealous_Inevitable33 on

      If an illegal alien can get here and take your “job” just like that… you need to be rethinking your life decisions.

    12. Trump only cares about himself and his legacy. He doesn’t care about jobs or getting rid of taxes on tips. He is just lying right now to win.

    13. So everyone who just got hired in the last two years is an illegal alien. That’s a lot of people to deport..

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