Not even his final form

    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. Ima take it a step further and say this what Cell transform into if he absorb diddy 💀😭

    2. zombieloveinterest on

      I really don’t know what i’m looking at here. But he seems to be…i dunno, wearing it with confidence? I’m sorry, i’m just trying to be nicer in my old age, and recognize that i’m certainly out of the loop, but wtf.

    3. Inside-Is-Winside on

      Is there like an agreed upon size yo schmeat has to be before you can start accessorizing and styling it as part of your outfit, or is it just a vibe you feel?


    4. People really out here thinking he sporting his daily fit. He is a stripper. Dude is on the clock right now getting rained on

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