Ahh… yes…

    by WonkaBarr


    1. My reconciliation of these two viewpoints?

      👿The migrants are taking the jobs, but not doing the work. Because they are not doing any work, they are also taking the welfare.👿

      I know there is still some contradictions, but that’s IMO the most likely way to reconcile these two viewpoints.

    2. Between working all of the jobs and collecting welfare, migrant workers must be rich, right? Right?

    3. The ones complaining about the migrants are the ones who don’t want to work and collect welfare, while the migrants are doing all the work and trying to earn a living wage doing so.

    4. Setting these side by side kind of make the actual argument clear. If you don’t want them working because they take all the jobs and not working because they take all the social resources. So simply put, they don’t want immigrants in America.

      And the illegal argument falls apart when they act the same way toward legal immigrants because they are the wrong type of legal.

    5. Somehow Voting, but not allowed to legally.

      Not paying taxes, while paying taxes with ITIN numbers and receiving no benefits.

      Taking jobs (bad), but corporations (good) hire them to work.

    6. I always love how the immigrants are supposed to be dirty criminals, lazy, uneducated, riddled with diseases, and can’t speak English, yet they are taking your job. What kind of fucked up job did you have?

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