Good job but facepalm situation

    by icedbonglatte


    1. Well, a generator, a chainsaw and a starlink port later, someone could live there. But I see the logo and smell bullshit. They are probably not interested in a chainsaw.

    2. Maximum-Tune9291 on

      The island was 31k. It is located in Finland. You can easily find homes for 31k in Finnish back woods so not sure why they went for an island specifically, I guess for content creating.

    3. omghorussaveusall on

      the facepalm would be OP didn’t read the article. they bought the island to have a summer cottage, in Finland. it’s their vacation home. and the dude did knock down some trees and built a cabin and outhouse.

    4. redhairedrunner on

      let’s not bag on the kids. Who knows maybe they can do this? The info is available and it’s finland right? They probably will be able to complete this with a decent time frame . Hell good those them!

    5. aRebelliousHeart on

      The island may be cheaper but the resources it’s gonna cost to build a house on that island will be much more expensive.

    6. Young,healthy and energetic. Building a cabin on an island would be a hoot.If you can monetize it ,even better

    7. LegitimateVirus3 on

      Compost toilet, solar panels, rain barrels, grow food, raise chickens, compost food waste, etc.

    8. There used to be a guy on tiktok back when I used it that would make videos comparing Canadian houses for sale to fully furnished European castles and private islands. They would be similar in price or significantly cheaper.

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