Okay then

    by Deedogg11


    1. Okay, so a parody account then? Good job. He perfectly encapsulates the closeted man with zero social understanding. Almost as if that’s what he is.

    2. that’s got to be satire. there’s no way on earth anyone could consider that even *remotely* passionate. that man is kissing that woman the same way i used to eat spinach.

    3. When you have to post a picture of a forced kiss to make others believe something that you know is not true…

      Well, you post this same picture 😂

    4. GoldStandard785 on

      Literally looks like two people trying to suck their lips inside their mouths so only the absolute minimum of skin contact is made…

    5. All this picture proves is that Josh Hawley doesn’t know what the words heterosexual and passion actually mean.

    6. >Heterosexual passion with my female wife.

      Something only someone cosplaying as a straight guy would say.

    7. Someone needs to explain to Senator Traitor Fist that a photo of you giving an obviously unromantic kiss to your wife does not preclude you having sexual relations with others, male or female.

    8. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      It’s crazy how some people object so strenuously to things they could say NOTHING about 🙄

    9. I too make a face like I’m licking a subway pole whenever I give my wife a reluctant peck on the lips. 🙄🙄🙄

    10. “my female wife”.

      Most of us straight married folk just refer to our wives as our wife (or spouse, partner, etc.). No need to put gender or sex in there, because there isn’t a reason.


    11. healthydoseofsarcasm on

      No one asked, but also he is definitely gay, but also no one cares, just live your life.

    12. Finally I feel validated. I always knew repubs are bad in bed. They can’t pretend at all. So glad I didn’t risk finding out.

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